Meopta Optics Latest Information and Resources
All the information you need about the Superb range of Meopta Optics.
One of the very last company's in Europe who still make their own Glass!
We are the Canadian Distributors of Meopta for Canada, so please email us anytime for information!
See here a list of News and Resources....
New Meopta Meostar R1 Scopes...
News from Meopta is that the Meostar R1 range of scopes will be discontinued and replaced with R1r Scopes with illuminated reticule only, ie 4c/4K/BDC2/BDC3 etc.
The R1r differ from the R1 scopes in that they all have the new etched reticule and also are all in the SFP as these are primarily Hunting Scopes.
Please mail me for any availability of Old scopes
Click the link above for all the info on Meopta's new Dichro Technology