Petromax Fire Piston


Petromax Fire Piston
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Petromax Fire Piston


This method of fire starting is truly unique! With tinder inisde apon striking the plunger with your palm causes compression of the air inside the piston, this increses the pressure and temperature of the air, which is enough to light the tinder, this can then be transfered into your fire. Comes with a small ferricim rod and a cloth pouch.


The cleverly designed Fire Piston cleverly combines a method of igniting fire that has been proven for centuries. The traditional way of igniting tinder in a hollow cylinder by compressing air pressure was already known to primitive peoples. This technique is revived in the form of the Petromax Fire Piston and is as simple as it is effective: the piston head is loaded with tinder and then abruptly pressed into the piston sleeve. The resulting air pressure and the heat of up to 400 °C that develops ignite the tinder and thus a ready ember or a prepared fireplace - without electricity, lighters or other aids. As an additional ignition alternative, you will find a rod fire steel stowed inside the flask, which guarantees a sparking fire start.


Overall Length: 5.5"

1 x transport bag
4 x rubber seal
1 x Vaseline filling
1 x fire steel (inside)

Petromax Fire Piston