Buff Merino Olive Green


Buff Merino Olive Green
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Merino Buff, from, er...Buff.

Lightweight/Mid Merino Wool!


This was a new one on us, but we like it a lot. Its useful for keeping out the cold (or keeping in the heat, depending how you look at it), can be used to cover your face,wrap around the head,you can lay things on it, carry things in it, wipe things with it and the more you carry one, the more uses you find for it.

Buff is a Merino wool seamless tube that  will quickly wick,absorb and evaporate moisture, it acts as an insulator and is resistant to the wind. Its slightly stretchy, so I find it works great as a face mask, when required, but also keeps my neck warm in the cold and keeps the sun off in the summer.



100% Merino wool Forst Green

*can come in with pattern or solid colour!

Buff Merino Olive Green