Silky Hand Axe
This is their first axe I believe and we are the first in Canada to get it. Silky have a very good reputation for ergonomics and high end steel and both are on display in this axe. Its a bit modern looking, but very well balanced and easy to sharpen given its flat grind. You'll have a hard job breaking this~ which is an advantage in the wilderness where reliability is key (and indeed in general use as well)~and the steel is better than 95% of all other axes you'll find. Ideal for cutting, pruning, wood removal for tool making, splitting firewood and light felling/shelter making.
Extremely handy, high robust, hand axe. Very high end steel, great balance and great cutting edge.
Comes with Cordura head cover. Uses the JIS SKS-5 Alloy Steel. and GINKO rubber hadnles
OAL 31cm/Cutting edge 12cm/ Steel thickness 5mm/weight 1LB 11 0Z